On Saturday morning after we saw my mom, I took Joey to the Central Park Zoo. OK, me with two kids, in a double stroller, in a busy city, with Subways without elevators, in 90 degree weather. It wears me out just reliving it! But Joey had tons of fun and that is all that matters. This really cool Panda Bear was really friendly and getting a kick out of the kids. It was at this window for like 10 minutes just chillin'! It was awesome! The kids went wild and it was like pulling teeth to get close but it was a cool sight to see.
Joey was my little tour guide. He realized that I kept looking at the map and said, "Joey do it." He than would point to an animal on the map and say, "This One!" And start running off! It was hilarious. He did do really good at stay close to me and I am learning to not be so paranoid. He runs off a little but he is learning to come back and make sure he is safe. Where was Emma? Sleeping like always!
OK, so here is the purpose of my trip to NYC. My mother had been suffering from a herniated disc in her neck for a month or so. She went to the ER in the beginning and they pretty much gave her pain control meds and said it should go down. Well once the meds wore off she was in the same shape if not worse. She started loosing feeling in her arm and it became swollen (right arm). So my brother told her not to take her meds and decided to take her to the ER again so that they could see the pain that she was in. They called for a Neuro consult and surgery was suggested. During her evaluation, the Surgeon said it was the biggest case he had seen in the last six months so he scheduled her surgery immediately so that it wouldn't get worse. In the process they realized she had Type II diabetes and high blood pressure. So she had to be admitted for a few days before surgery to get medically cleared. Her surgery was Friday and it went really well. She got a blessing from the Bishopric and has started to become a different person. I had asked many of you to keep her in your prayers and I appreciate it and I will tell you that your prayers were answered. When I saw her Saturday she asked me to sit down because she wanted to talk to me. She said that she wanted to go back to church, she wanted to work with the missionaries and help people know the gospel, she wanted to become temple worthy again, and has started to read the scriptures again. She asked me to help her and to encourage her and not give up on her. As she told me all of this, I had a feeling that it would be difficult for her but with diligence and support, she would do it. I also felt all of your prayers and the faith behind them. So even though her physical being wasn't a medical emergency or big scare, it helped her put her spiritual matters in perspective. So thank you so much. I am so grateful for all of your prayers, faith, and support. She is home now and is getting help at home to bounce back.
Well I have more adventures to blog about but I have bigger adventures with laundry to go to! FUN! Thanks again!
Doorly I had no idea that your mom was not feeling well. I'm glad that you got to up to see her. Hopefully the kids held up OK. That can be the most stressful part. Your family(brother and sister) look so much like you. Your all so cute!
I am glad she is doing better! And wow, reading that gave me the goose bumps! I am excited and happy for your mom! She will need your support! My prayers will be with you!
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